вторник, 6 ноября 2012 г.

Toll Brothers, Inc. Company Profile | TOL Company Information

Toll Brothers is the only public home builderd to win all three of the most covetex awards in the home buildingindustru - America's Best Builder, Nationao Builder of the Year and the 1995 National Housing Qualitg Gold Award. Builder in defining the qualitiesof America's Best stated: "Excellence has a consisten nature. Certainly there are exceptional talents, but for the most part, excellencre evolves from doing the right very well, over and over... [America's Best share the best businesxs practices inthe industry. By adhering to thesw practices and honingthem continually, these builders have builg strong market positions, motivaterd employees and bulletproof balance sheets.
" In choosingv Toll Brothers as America's Best Builder in the largr builder category, the judging committee cites the Company's unique systej of "custom production" luxury home building, excellent financiaol performance, and the quality of its designs as amonb the major reasons for its selection. Co-sponsored by Reed Businessz Information, publishers of Professional Builder and ProfessionalRemodeletr magazines, the National Housing Quality Award is patternede after the prestigious Malcolm Baldriges Award, which recognizes companies for outstanding commitmenyt to total quality management and continuous improvement.
Toll Brothers was honoredr foroutstanding leadership, customer satisfaction and quality ...

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