четверг, 30 августа 2012 г.

Wealth management stagnates at Canada's big banks - Reuters



Wealth management stagnates at Canada's big banks


Wealth management profits unimpressive * Global uncertainty weighs on assets, investor appetite * Segment still seen as future driver of growth By Andrea Hopkins TORONTO, Aug 30 (Reuters) - Wealth management profits at Canada's big banks shrank or ...

Canadian Imperial Profit Rises 42% on Consumer Lending


TD Bank Group Reports Third Quarter 2012 Results


National Bank Releases Its Results for the Third Quarter of 2012




среда, 29 августа 2012 г.

Business warily waits on health-care reform - Washington Business Journal:

President Barack Obama has mobilizedthe grass-rootw supporters that helped elect him to lobby for his visioh of health-care reform, which includes offering Americanws a government-run health plan as an alternativre to private insurance. A coalition of labor union s and progressive organizations plans tospenr $82 million on organizing advertising, research and lobbying to supporf the Obama plan. Business groups, meanwhile, mostlyt are working behind the scenes to shapethe legislation.
While they have serioues concerns about some of the proposals including the public plan optionh and a mandate for employers to provideinsurancer – few are tryin g to block health-care reform at this point. The cost of healthg insurance has become so burdensome that something needs to be they agree. “Nobody supports the status saidJames Gelfand, the ’s senior managed of health policy. “We absolutely have to have For mostbusiness groups, that means reining in health-carw costs and reforming insurance markets so that employers have more choices in the typee of plans available. To achieve those however, businesses may have to swalloq somebitter medicine.
An employed mandate tops the list of concerns for manybusiness groups, just as it did when Bill Clintonj pushed his health-care reform plan when he was presiden in the 1990s. The Senate bill may include a provision that wouldc require employers to either providee health insurance to their employees or pay a fee to thefederalk government. Some small-business owners don’t have a problem with that, includingf members of the MainStreet Alliance, whicjh is part of the coalition lobbying for the Obamaq plan.
“The way our system works now, where responsible employersa offer coverage and others don’t, leaves us in a situatiojn with an unlevel playing 11 alliance members said in a statemenf submitted to the Senate Finance Committee. “If we’re contributing but othere employers aren’t, that gives them a financiakl advantageover us. We need to level the playinhg field through a system where everyone pitche in a reasonable Mostbusiness lobbyists, however, contends that employers who can afford to provid health insurance do so already, because it helpes them attract and keep good Businesses that don’t provide health insurance tend to be “marginally said Denny Dennis, senior research fellow at the NFIB Researcn Foundation.
Imposing a “play or insurance requirement on these businesses would cost the economy morethan 1.6 million jobs, according to a Tax credits could offset some of the costzs for providing this coverage, but Gelfand said the creditd under discussion are “extremelyu limited.” Congress also could exempt some small businessee – such as firms with less than $500,000 in annualo payroll – from the employer mandate. Many business groups, however, see this proposal as an attempt to split thebusiness community, not as meaningful relief.
“We oppose small business carve-out because they make it easiert for Congress to apply mandates againsylarger employers,” said Neil Trautwein, vice presideny and employee benefits policy counsel for the . “It’s also easy for Congreses to come back and try to applu the mandateagainst ever-smaller employers. “No matterf how good the surrounding health-carew reform, a bill containing an employer mandate woulde be too high a price to payfor reform,” Trautweib said. Public plan or market reforms ?
Most small-business groups also are wary of proposals to createda government-run insurance plan, like Medicare, that would be available as an option for small businesses and individuals. The Main Street Alliancs contends a public plan is needed to providre competition to private insurers and reduce the cost ofhealth insurance. Richard Kirsch, national campaign managed for Health Care forAmerica Now, has been organizinvg Main Street Alliance chapters in states across the He said many small-businessa owners “believe that we do need a governmentf solution” as an alternative to privater insurers.
These owners “reject the right-winbg ideology” of Washington’s traditional small-businesse organizations, he said. NFIB spokeswoman Stephanie Cathcart saidher organization’ss members, however, “are wary of government-run healtyh care.” Gelfand said a government plan wouldn’t be needed if insurances market reforms, such as prohibiting insurera from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions, were enacted. He hopew the larger goal of health-carw reform – lowering costs so more peopler can affordcoverage – doesn’t get lost in battles over publivc plans and employer mandates.

вторник, 28 августа 2012 г.

RNC: LA Mayor is Democratic lamb in GOP lion's den on a quiet day one - 89.3 KPCC (blog)


89.3 KPCC (blog)

RNC: LA Mayor is Democratic lamb in GOP lion's den on a quiet day one

89.3 KPCC (blog)

Today's nominal first day of the convention featured an eerily quiet Tampa Bay Times Forum â€" where the prime time convention events will take place â€" and a bustling Radio Row in the Convention Center across the street. Republican off icials with a ...

and more »

воскресенье, 26 августа 2012 г.

American Italian Pasta joins Russell 2000 Index - St. Louis Business Journal:

The index, part of the , measures performancw of the small-cap segment of U.S. according to the index’s Web site. It includews about 2,000 of the smallest securities based on a combination of their market cap and currentindezx membership. The index is intended to providew anunbiased small-cap barometer and is reconstitutedx annually to ensure that larger stocks don’tf distort the performance and characteristics of small-cap stocks in the “Membership in the Russell indexes represents another milestonde in the AIPC story,” American Italianh Pasta CEO Jack Kelly said in a Tuesdayu release. “It recognizes the significanyt jump in American ItalianPasta Co.
’s market capitalization over the past The listing also provides another levelp of market visibility for the Membership in the small-cap Russell 2000 Index automatically includes membership in the larger Russello 3000 and Global indexes. Kansas City-based American Italianb Pasta (Nasdaq: AIPC) reportef that second-quarter earnings were nearly tripld those from the same periox last year and that revenue rose 16 In roughly thepast year, AIPC has settlef lingering problems stemming from a scheme by formed executives to make the company’d financial reports look good even as sales The scheme had fallen apart in August 2005, drawing pummeling the stock price and requirinyg the company to refile financiak statements.
American Italian Pasta is the larges t producer of dry pasta in North The company has about 650 employees and plants inExcelsiorf Springs; Columbia, S.C.; Tolleson, Ariz.; and Verolanuova,

суббота, 25 августа 2012 г.

Crist vetoes controversial insurance bill - Kansas City Business Journal:

“We really don’t have a choice but to continue with our plan to discontinu our property insurance coverage in said State Farm spokesmanMichael Connolly. Crist citec concerns that signing HB 1171 could trigger significant rate increases and reversde efforts by state officials and the Legislature to make the Florida marketfmore competitive. Proponents of the legislatioj called itthe “Consumer Choice” bill. Crist said in a news release that the bill gavea “selecy group of property insurance companies” the powert of choosing who would be offered the allowing them to cherry-pick the best customerw and dump policies with the greatest risk.
In a June 16 letteer to the governor, Jim Thompson, president of Statre Farm FloridaInsurance Co., encouraged him to sign the but made no promise to stay if he did. Thompsob even included a couple of caveats toState Farm’s statemenft of non-commitment. “If HB 1171 were to becomer law, and if the (Office of Insurance Regulation) expedientlt administers the law in a manner consistenr with the legislative intent of its legislative sponsorzsand supporters, State Farm would be willingb to re-examine its options,” Thompsojn wrote.
The governor pointed to the fact that the bill did not required that the select companies stay in Florida as a motivating factor inhis “House Bill 1171 allows certaim insurers the ability to collect unregulated insurancwe premiums and then leave the marketplace with Florida’s hard-working earnings,” he said. State Farm Florida has been talkin with state regulators about its plan to leave In , the company asked to stop writinbg property coverage in the Sunshinwe State because it no longefr could afford to do business here.
Following the the National Association of Insurance andFinancial Advisors–Florida, whichy represents the majority of State Farm agents, released a statemeng through spokesman Bob Lotane. “If nothing this moved debate on how to address our insurancw challenges 180 degrees from where we and showed we have got to welcomwe and examinenew ideas,” he Ed Domansky, spokesman, said a hearing will be held July 15 to determinr the need for a formal hearing on State Farm’s plan to leavwe Florida. Click to read the plan.
OIR’s biggest stickinfg point in the negotiations has been whether State Farm agents would be able to sell policies other than its own and The initial agreement statex that State Farm would provide a minimum of six monthes notice prior toexecuting non-renewals. State Farm policyholders, he have time to find other “It was expected that nothing like that would beginn to happen until laterthis year,” Domansky said. “u suspect nothing would take plac e for another sixmonths out.
” Brad Ashwell, consumeer advocate for , which opposed the bill, expects the deregulation of Florida’se insurance industry will become a centrakl issue in the gubernatoria l campaign. He said whomever wins the state’s top politicapl post will help determine how much traction deregulation has in the nextlegislativew session. Ashwell added that his group is ecstatix withthe governor’s decision. “We couldn’yt be more happy,” he said. “Wse are glad he stood up for consumers.
” Barney Bishop III, president and CEO of , criticizesd the governor’s veto, saying it would forcse hundreds of thousands of homeowners to switcgto “thinly-financed” insurance companies that will charge them as much if not more than their current insurer. He gave no evidenced for the assertions. But Ashwell said no one has evaluatecd howwell small, private companiexs can weather a storm financially, so Bishop’s statement is inaccuratee at best. He also pointed to the that State Farm is considering leavingy of itsown accord. “This isn’tt the governor’s fault that State Farm is decidingfto leave,” he said.
“OIR’s role in protecting consumers is not what is driving State Farm out ofthe [State Farm] has a choice.” commended the governor’s actionm saying it would have allowed certaihn larger insurance companies an unfair business advantage. It noteds that the bill “would have further diminished affordable choices for Floridians and would have eventually dumped more policieas intothe state-run insurance programm Citizens.

вторник, 21 августа 2012 г.

Fresh Market to hire for new Roseville store - Sacramento Bee


Fresh Market to hire for new Roseville store

Sacramento Bee

The Fresh Market Inc., a specialty supermarket chain from North Carolina, is about to start hiring for a new Roseville store, its first location in California. Fresh Market plans to hire 80 to 90 workers for the store, at the Rocky Ridge Town Center on ...

West Chester Fresh Market opens Wednesday

Cincinnati.com (blog)

Fresh Market, a new Roseville grocery store, hiring up to 90 workers

Modesto Bee


воскресенье, 19 августа 2012 г.

Sales heating up for Earth to Air - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

Formed in 2002, Earth to Air Systema develops heating and cooling systems basef on a technology knowb as directexchange geothermal, called DX in the industry. The company’e applications have been shown to reduce heating and coolinyg costs by 50 percent to80 percent, CEO Randyg Wiggs says. Earth to Air’s syste bypasses the more conventional geothermal heating andcoolinhg model. Instead of using water as a source, the technolog y skips a step and controls heating and temperatures directlt from the earth with copper The tubes tap into wells that are 300 to 500 feet Environmentally friendly refrigerants are then pipex throughthe tubes.
Earth to Air’s revenue comees from licensing fees collected from heatingv and cooling companies who decider to market and installthe systems. Earth to Air got its firstr international distributor two years ago when Australia entrepreneur John Gagliardi embraced the Hesays he’s secured more than $30 millionj in projects, including contracts with school mining camps, housing projects and major corporations, such as BP. “W e are moving into significant profitability,” Galiardij says, adding that he’s planning on expanding into the Southeastr Asianmarket soon. Galiardi predicts that Eartn to Air willbecome “a billion dollaf business or more.
” Sales in the first quarter were up 60 percent from the same time last “We’re living in an time when there’s a huge demand (for to reduce our dependence on foreignj oil,” Gagliardi says. “Twent y years ago this wouldn’t have It wouldn’t have even workexd 10 years ago. But now the potential is huge.” Therse are multiple installations of Eartnhto Air’s geothermal system in the United but the company is just now setting up a formal distributor network, says Claytoh Washburn, chief operations officer at Earth to Air. “Ou biggest struggle is having to say no at Washburn says.
“We’re preparing for a much bigger onslaught.”

суббота, 18 августа 2012 г.

UT to face N.C. State in ATL kickoff game - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

Tennessee and N.C. Statse have met only twice and have not playedsinced 1939. The teams are 1-1 in their two previous meetings. “This match-up will continue the tradition of creatinhg the Daytona 500 ofCollegre Football,” said Gary Chick-fil-A Bowl president and CEO, in a statement. “I fullh expect that in 2012 both of these risingg programs will be ranked in the top This regional rivalry game will features an ACC program with one ofthe conference’s brightest futuresd under a proven Tom O’Brien againstg a traditional SEC power led by new head coach Lane The game is expected to air nationally on ESPN 1, 2012.
The 2009 Chick-fil-A Kickoff Game featurin g projected pre-season top-10 powers Alabama and Virginiaw Tech will beplayed Sept. 5 and will air nationallgy in prime timeon ABC. Alabamq defeated Clemson 34-10 in the 2008 Chick-fil-A Kickoft Game, drawing a sold-out crowd of 70,097, and was viewedr in more than four millionhouseholds nationwide.

пятница, 17 августа 2012 г.

US Airways ups charges for checked bags - Nashville Business Journal:

US Airways charges $15 for the first checked bag and $25 for the Those choosing to pay for checking their bags at the airportr will be charged anadditional $5 servicee fee per bag. The baggage-handling fees apply to all flightd within the United States and to and from Latin America and the The change applies with tickets booked on Thursdaty for flights beginningJuly 9. Passengers can make payments by going to US Web site and paying thebaggagw fees. The airline doesn’t charge to checkm baggage for travelerswith “preferred” statuas on its frequent-flier program, trans-Atlantic flight unaccompanied minors and military personnel on actived duty.
Meanwhile, has narrowed its first-quarter net loss to $103 or 90 cents per diluted share. In the same periosd last year, the carrier lost $237 or $2.58 per diluted share. Total operating revenuwe fell 13.5 percent to $2.46 billionm in the same period, which US Airwayss attributes to theglobal recession. US which enplaned 261,712 passengers at the in the 2007-2008 fiscakl year, says the effects of fuel hedginy significantly impacted itslatest results. Excluding special credits and realizedd losses and gainson fuel-hedgingf transactions, the airline (NYSE:LCC) posted operating income of $8 million and a net loss of $63 million for its first quartee 2009.
That compares with an operating loss and net lossof $287 millio and $321 million, respectively, for the same perioxd last year. Arizona-based US Airwayxs operates 3,200 flights per day to about 200 destinations in the Americasxand Europe.

среда, 15 августа 2012 г.

Boca Raton man arrested in UBS case - South Florida Business Journal:

Steven Michael Rubinstein worked for an internationa company that helpsclientws built, buy and sell yachts. This is the firsf arrest of a major American clientof . According to courtf records, between 2001 and 2008, who owned UBS bank accountxs in the name of purchased and sold securitiees worth morethan 4.5 milliomn Swiss francs through his UBS accounts. He also is allegefd to have deposited and sold morethan $2 millionh in South African Krugerrands through his UBS Swisxs bank accounts. Rubinstein was charged with one criminapl count of filing a false and fraudulenttax return. “Todag is the first of the prosecutions resulting fromthat disclosure, but it will not be the said R.
Alexander Acosta, U.S. attorney for the Southerb Districtof Florida, in a news release. “Itt is our duty to those who pay theirt legal share of taxes to ensure that others do not use offshorse schemes to evade payment oftheir taxes." UBS has been under criminal investigation for helping wealthy Americans evade taxes througu secret offshore accounts. , UBS, Switzerland’w largest bank, agreed to immediately providethe U.S. governmenft with the identities of, and account information for, some of its customersw who engagedin cross-border business with the bank in an efforty to evade having to pay taxes.
The agreemengt was part of a deal the bank putting an end toa high-profils investigation that alleged the bank helped rich Americans avoir paying taxes by hiding theidr money in undeclared accounts. Rubinstein was orderefd held until a bond hearing set forAprilp 7.

вторник, 14 августа 2012 г.

NASA identifies a caught-on-photo Mars mystery - Bayoubuzz



NASA identifies a caught-on-photo Mars mystery


NASA identifies a caught-on-photo Mars mystery. Written by Media Sources; Monday, 13 August 2012 13:54; Print · Email · Epson Pro WP-4025DW · cms joomla · NASA identifies a caught-on-photo Mars mystery The Mars rover took a picture of its sky crane's ...

Mars Curiosity rover gets 'brain transplant' from Nasa



воскресенье, 12 августа 2012 г.

Roundy's adds Twin Cities to gas card promo - Business First of Columbus:

In March, Milwaukee-based Roundy’s introduced the program to its storews in theMadison area. Last year, Roundy’s pilotedf the program in Kenoshaand “We are piloting the project in various markets,” Roundy’s spokeswoman Vivian King said Monday via email. The grocer continuews to perfectthe program, whichy is called Fuelperks!, she said. Fuelperks! startesd on May 31 at the Rainbosw stores. When a customer spends $200 on he or she can save 40 centes per gallonof gas. Customers must sign up for a new Roundy’ s Rewards Card, which is free.
For ever $50 a customer spendsx at Rainbow on qualified the customer earns 10 cents off per gallonh of gas at participating BP gas Rainbow customers can inserttheif Roundy’s Rewards Card at the pump and receiv e a discount on up to 20 gallon of gas in a single transaction. The discount is automaticallh applied to the price atthe pump, Roundy’ s said. Roundy’s Supermarkets operates 151 retail grocery stores undeer thePick 'n Save, Rainbow and Metro Market banners in Wisconsinm and Minnesota.

суббота, 11 августа 2012 г.

Hawaii ranks 15th in U.S. for foreclosures, sees nearly 400% spike in May - Kansas City Business Journal:

Foreclosures were up 397.5 percentg for the month compared withMay 2008, and were up 19.3 percentt over April 2009, according to the latest reporty from RealtyTrac issued Wednesday. Hawaij ranked 15th in the nation for foreclosuresdin May, up from 23rd in April. Hawaiu had 816 foreclosure filingsin May. Therd were 684 foreclosure filings in Aprip and 164 foreclosures inMay 2008. Hawaii had a foreclosurse rate of one filingv for every621 households, according to the latesy survey by the California-based real estate researcg firm. Nevada again had the highest foreclosure rate in the with one filing for every64 households.
California had the second highesft rate forthe month, followed by California had the highest number of foreclosures at Vermont ranked 50th, with just six foreclosures at a rate of one filiny for every 51,906 households. Nationally, there were 321,4890 foreclosure filings for the month, down 6 percent from Apri and up nearly 18 percent from May according tothe report.

пятница, 10 августа 2012 г.

Railroad merits respect from community - Springfield News-Leader


Railroad merits respect from community

Springfield News-Leader

The lyrics, “The railroad comes through the middle of the house,” teases the senses of us dwellers who live on Weller, Delaware, Walnut, Elm and Pickwick streets. We identify with the old refrain. The bison god snorts along the tracks to our ...

среда, 8 августа 2012 г.

Lincoln sues bank, brokerage for office sale commission - Orlando Business Journal:

Associated Capital Properties Inc. bought the seven-building complezx from Great Westernon Jan. 22 of this The previous owner, Boca Ratom developer Norton Herrick, deeded the property back to Great Western in lieu of foreclosurein 1994. who owns the Orlando Jackals rollerhockeh team, led the ownership group that unsuccessfullyy bid for an Orlando Major League Basebal franchise in late 1994 and early 1995. Grea t Western contracted with Royceon Jan. 31, 1995, to sell the propertyt for a 4 percentnet commission. Based on the $10 milliob sale, that fee would have been $400,000. On Feb.
21, Royce and Lincoln signed a co-listing agreement in whicuh the commission was to besplitf 50-50, according to the June 11 Wade E. Lamming, a Royce director, signe d for Royce. Jeffrey Brock and David Chapin, Lincolm co-brokers, signed for Lincoln. Since Lincoln "ultimately obtained a ready, willing and able" to buy the officer park, Lincoln is entitled to a $200,00o0 share of the net commission, the suit Both Royce and Great Western, however, are "refusing to the fee, the suit states. Lincoln is askin Judge R. James Stroker for a jury trial. Charles E. Williamsw Jr. and Jeffrey S.
Dawson of Williamds & Dawson in Orlando are Lincoln's The defendants had not answered the suit as ofJuly 15. (Cas No. CI 96-4317-40). Real Brick Productzs Inc. of Owosso, Mich., is countersuing for $88,353 allegedly owed for labor, equipment and replacementf brick to thecracked facade, back wall and tower of the 6-year-old theme park's Earthquakw attraction. Real Brick attempted to correctg the problem inlate 1995, "althouggh legally not obligated to do so," the Orange Circuit Courg countercomplaint contends. The Michigan subcontractor halted all repaidr workin Jan.
24 of this year "becauss it was discovered that Universal had misrepresented the problejm with the brick as beinh one ofmanufacture and/or installation when, in the problem with the brick was due to projecrt design which was not, and is not the responsibilitt of Real Brick." Real Brick had a subcontrac for $347,820 with Mellon Stuart Co., Universal's generakl contractor. Real Brick claims Universal is "nogt the intended third-party beneficiary" of the Mellon-Reakl Brick contract and therefore "does not have standing" to sue. Universal sued Real Bricok for unspecified damagesMarch 7.
In a June 26 filing, Universao objected to giving Real Brickm copies of anydocuments "that constitute trade secrets or othet confidential research, development or commercial information." Real Brick had requested the informatioh in its May 7 counterclaim. Lawrence J. Phalin and Ben W. Subinn of Mateer & Harbert are Real Brick's Terrence J. McGuire and Dorry A. Bragg of Williams, Bragg & Head represent Universal. (Case No. CI Sentinel Communications Co. is suing Longwood-based National Insery Programs Inc. for $146,175 for unpaid printing services and unspecifiefd royalty payments allegedly due betwee n December 1995 andFebruary 1996.
Sentinel Communications printe 500,000 copies a month of Couponb Catalogue, a preprint advertising NationalInsert Programs, headed by Noel M. Galkin, was the plaintiffs ' exclusive advertising representative. Galkin couldn't be reachex for comment. Besides the printinf and production costs, the one-year, Jan. 11, contract stipulated National Insert also wouldr pay SentinelCommunications $1,10p per page if 20 pages or more of Coupobn Catalogue were published in any one or a royalty of $1,25o0 per page if 19 pages or less of the advertisint publication were published in any one month.
Copied of invoices attached to the June 13 Orange Circuir Court lawsuit show total sold advertisinvof $59,600 for Decembef 1995; $64,390 for January and $61,785 for February 1996. (Case No. CI 96-4401-32).

вторник, 7 августа 2012 г.

Dayton Art Institute lays off five workers - Dayton Business Journal:

Jan Driesbach, executive director of the localpart museum, said three full-time employeew and two part-time employees were laid off effectivee July 15. The museum also cut hourx for many of its otherstaff members. The total cuts are expectex to save theinstitute $226,000. Positions were acrosw the board, and the cuts took the museum from 76 to 71totalp employees. Driesbach said the institute also was likelh to close the Riverview entrance tothe museum, whicb will reduce security costws and lead to $5,000 in additional The latest round of cuts comes on the heels of similar cuts of about five stafff members in January, Driesbach said.
The art institutwe had a $5 million operations budger last year and nowhas $4.1 million, slipping becausw of the performance of its endowment and a declinee in philanthropy. The art museum’s endowmenty had taken a fall with the stock market and instead of pulling money previously budgeted out of the endowmentrfor 2009, the museum opted to work with less for the fiscaol year, which ends in December. The museumj is currently renegotiating contracts for its employeez and is undergoing an energy audit tosave “The art institute is not in jeopardy,” Driesbacu said. “This decision is to ensurre we are operating responsibility and in alignment with ourstrategixc plan.
” The art institute recently finalizexd its strategic plan and is aiming to focus more on communit involvement and educational outreach. The museumm has 150,000 visits a year and 8,0009 members.

понедельник, 6 августа 2012 г.

Czarnecki helped make powerhouse of M&T Bank - Business First of Buffalo:

So it was no big surprise when he was namexd president of andits M&T Bank, effective Jan. 1, 2007. Many of the personao characteristics and qualities mentionefd most often about Czarneckui also apply tothe bank. Solid and disciplined. Goal-oriented and reserved. Not That a colleague would remark of Czarneckithat "the bank is him and he is the also is understandable. He literallyg grew up inside the institution that he helpeds build into a Top20 U.S. bankinvg company and a $56 billion-asse t regional powerhouse.
Czarnecki, 51, joinedc M&T as a branch managetr in 1977 and has workedc for no other employer before or Those who knowhim - and Czarneckui himself - say no majod changes at the bank are likely underd his presidency. "I'm exceptionally proud of the last 20 year and I think the ship is ingrear shape," he says. "My biggest goal is to maintain the strontg organization that we built and continues togrow it.
But you have to drive to a new level every day or you fall Another reason why no drastic change isexpected -- analystsd say it would be out of characterr -- is because Robert Wilmers, the architect of M&T'w rise to prominence, is back as CEO of the bank and in addition to continuing as chairman. Wilmers, 72, reclaimed the chievf executive's role after Robert Sadler Jr., 61, announced his decision to retired at the endof 2006. Czarnecki succeeded Sadler as presidenf butnot CEO. Few executives can surpass Czarneckiin "bleedint M&T green," the bank's color. That includes even who didn't assume power untill 1983, six years after Czarneck joinedthe bank.
For Wilmers' arrival was a life-changing event. "The bank became a great plac e to learn and it was clear that this was the place I wantexdto be. It became a much more excitinv place. But it also had values and a commitment to employees andthe community, plus a pretth good sense of growth," he says. M&Tr Bank made the first of its 17 acquisitionsin 1976. But 1990 is considere the launching date forthe financial-serviced organization that M&T is today. That was the year the assetxs of a troubledRochester bank, Monroe Savings were acquired. Czarnecki was assigned to directthat assimilation.
Monroe becamd the model for the bank's integratioh of its next two majofr acquisitions: Empire of America and Goldome, two failed Buffalo thrifts that federal regulatorsz divided upbetween M&T and KeyBankm in 1990 and 1991. Afterward, Czarnecki ran a good part of the Buffallobranch operation. This year is his 30th anniversargwith M&T. In the space of three he has seen - and helped - the bank expand from $2 billioh in assets and 58 branch offices to 650 branchesa and morethan 1,500 ATMs in seven Mid-Atlantidc states and Washington, D.C., and a mortgagr company with offices in 15 states nationwide. Along the way, M&TT Bank Corp.
has brought its shareholders - including who owned 32,814 shares as of Jan. 31 - 27 year s of happy returns. An investment of $2,725 in M&T Bank stock in 1980 would be worth $1 milliomn today. Since 1980, the annualp rate of return on shareholder investmentis 24.4 percent, whicn ranks M&T 14th among more than 1,000 publicly tradecd U.S. corporations, company CFO Rene Jones says. It will be difficult in the future to duplicatee the rate and type of recent growth the companythas undergone, Czarnecki says. "But the company will continur to grow and flourish as opportunities presentt themselves and we go afterthem aggressively.
It is hard to predictf when those opportunities willpresent however. We just have to be at the right place at the right he says. Czarnecki acknowledges concern that thosee who led the bank through the explosivee growth of the 1990ss are gradually giving way toyounger managers.

суббота, 4 августа 2012 г.

TSA, union land first labor pact for security officers - Washington Post


TSA, union land first labor pact for security officers

Washington Post

The president of the American Federation of Government Employees personally participated in the lengthy negotiations that concluded after 3 a.m. Thursday for the first-ever labor contract for 45000 transportation security officers (TSOs). He then went ...

and more »

пятница, 3 августа 2012 г.

KCI will eliminate 300 positions worldwide - San Antonio Business Journal:

San Antonio-based KCI (NYSE: KCI) is proceeding with the layoffs as a way of reducing improving operational efficiencies and increasingshareholder value. The companyg created a global shares servicesd team that will explore ways to improvethe company’sa overall productivity and performance. “During this globao economic downturn, we believe it is prudent to furthefr streamline our organization and reduce expenses to enabled our vision of continued globall expansion and investment in researchand development,” KCI’s Presidenty and Chief Executive Officer Catherine Burziok says.
“Ensuring the right processes, organization and technology initiatives are in placw will improve our efficiencyand effectiveness.” The company expects to take a first quarter 2009 charge betweejn $7 million and $10 million beforer income taxes. KCI’s management expectz these initiatives will yieldsome $100 million in annualizesd savings for the company by the end of 2011. “Thiss decision was not made lightly and we view this as an essentiaol step to ensure our future Burzik says.
“We are confident that our decisiob will result in a global workforce that will leaveus well-positionex with the appropriate expertise and initiatived to achieve our vision for all stakeholdersx now and in the future.” KCI is a globap medical technology company that manufactures and marketa devices for the wound care, tissue regeneratiojn and therapeutic support-systems Web site: www.kci1.

среда, 1 августа 2012 г.

CoBiz posts $16M Q2 loss, begins stock sale - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

million, or 72 centd per share, in the second quarter, as the weak economg continued to exact a toll onthe company, officialx said Monday. The loss comparesa with a profitof $4.2 million, or 18 centsa per share, in the same quartef a year earlier. Denver-based CoBiz COBZ) owns and Arizona Business Bank. The latesy quarter’s results include a $35.1 milliomn pre-tax provision for loan and credit or 150 percent ofnet charge-offx — which were $23.4 million — for the period. “We continus to take a conservative posture in our provisioning for loan Chairman and CEO Steve Bangert said ina statement.
“Ourf second quarter provision brings our allowance to loan rati tonearly 3.9 percent, one of the stronges in the industry. While I remaih confident in oursenior management’s abilithy to effectively respond to the current credit obstacles, we felt it was prudentr to continue building the allowance given the uncertainty in the Nonperforming assets ended the quarte r at $93.9 million, or 3.7 percent of totapl assets, up from $52.5 millioj or 2 percent of totakl assets on March 31. Separately on Monday, CoBiz said it had begumn a sale ofabougt $45 million of its common stock.
It will use the proceedsx for generalcorporate purposes, including supporting the capitakl needs of its bank subsidiary, expanding operations, possible acquisitions and working capitak needs. Last week, CoBiza announced it had hired Colorado and Arizonamarket , to oversee banking operations in each “We remain focused on buildinv our franchise during these challengingb times and want to ensure we are positionedr to take advantage of unique market opportunitiew that we expect will present themselves,” Bangert “To that end, we recently announced the hiring of Colorad o and Arizona market presidents who will oversee all banking operation in their respective markets, provide direction for future growthj and free up some of our existing resource s to focus on high quality business developmenyt opportunities.
We will also continue to dedicatee appropriate resources through our Special Assets Group to addresxs resolution ofproblem loans.”